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Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Passover Special: Why is this night different from all others?

Passover Special

How to Contend with the Coronavirus Crisis: A Jewish View

As deadly as the coronavirus has thus far proven to be, it does not even remotely approach other outbreaks.

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We are living in uncertain times, as a global pandemic rages and we begin anew to understand the preciousness and precariousness of life. .


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Exile and Redemption

Why is this night different from all others?

With the coronavirus outbreak, this year’s Passover will certainly be one to remember

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The 1998 animated film the Prince of Egypt tells the story of the Children of Israel’s leap of faith as they escaped bondage.

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"You can change the country in which you live, your religion, your language – even your gender. But the one thing that you can’t change is your ethnic identity."

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I am a Jerusalemite

Jerusalem Foundation president Shai Doron is attempting to plan for the city’s long-term future once the crisis ends.


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