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Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Prime Minister Netanyahu: ​Expiration date 10/21

Prime Minister Netanyahu:
Expiration date 10/21 

Under the agreement, once a new government is sworn in, Netanyahu will serve for 18 months, and then be replaced by Gantz.

How did the coalition deal impact the rule of law? - analysis

How will the IDF operate under its third defense minister in a year?

Healthy 48-year-old father of 14, 100-year-old Ethiopian die of corona

Close to 190 people dead * Health Ministry to roll out serological tests * Patient No. 7 found to lack immunity to COVID-19

Could the country crack the coronavirus crisis by studying our s**t?

Coronavirus testing expected to increase, diversify by mid-May

Israeli farmers deploy pollinating drones to fill COVID-19 labor shortage

The large-scale project uses multiple drones flying simultaneously, equipped with innovative pods developed by Dropcopter to store and effectively dispense pollen from the air.

Coronavirus: Global cases pass 2.5 million, US cases near 800,000

While experts say actual cases of the new coronavirus are likely higher than current reports, the number still falls far short of the Spanish flu.

Westchester residents sue WHO for alleged coronavirus cover-up

Coronavirus has mutated into at least 30 different strains new study finds (ICYMI)

German prosecutor files charges against neo-Nazi for
Yom Kippur attack

Balliet murdered two Germans in October as part of his attempted blood bath on the congregants at the synagogue.

Iran’s regime executes Kurdish prisoner who escaped to avoid coronavirus

The Kurdish news outlet Rudaw reported on Tuesday that "Shayan Saeedpour was among 74 inmates who escaped Saqqez prison in Iran’s Kurdistan province on March 27 after clashing with the guards."

Syrian regime has accused Israel of more than five major attacks this year

Syrian air defenses respond to alleged Israeli airstrike near Homs

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