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Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Gov't approves coronavirus restrictions - general closure today at 7 p.m.

Gov't approves coronavirus restrictions - general closure today at 7 p.m.

153 in serious condition, 113 intubated * 60 people have died

The Yizkor project - In Memory of the Jewish Victims of COVID-19

One of the many tragedies of the coronavirus is that people are dying as statistics, not as individuals.

Israel's Military Intelligence switches focus from Iran to coronavirus

Here's how Jerusalem is teaching ultra-Orthodox, Arabs about coronavirus

Special education students to return to school after Passover

Israelis are happy with Israel's handling of coronavirus crisis - survey

How Jewish communities are deploying Passover aid amid coronavirus lockdowns

Across America, Jewish federations are finding unconventional ways to cope with the restrictions while helping with Passover needs.

Coronavirus vaccine entering human trials after receiving FDA approval

Inovio has been well ahead of other pharmaceutical companies with regards to getting a working coronavirus vaccine into worldwide circulation.

BGI, AID Genomics partner to build lab in Gaza to test 3,000 a day

In late March, Genetics giant BGI announced it would be working alongside Israeli company MyHeritage to build a lab capable of testing up to 10,000 people a day for coronavirus.

Bar-Ilan U. Hospital gets medical supplies donation from Chinese alumni

Coronavirus: Rothschild Foundation donates NIS 50m. to Israeli hospitals

Jewish community of Bnei Zion, India to celebrate Passover via Zoom

Fifty families are expected to take part in the online seder - which will include the reading of the hagaddah, singing songs and lots and lost of food.

'Limited' Priestly blessing at Western Wall to be broadcast online

The IDF wishes you happy Passover in 9 languages

Granddaughter of Robert F. Kennedy found dead near Chesapeake Bay

The search for her son Gideon will continue Tuesday, though authorities presume that he is dead.

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