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Friday, April 17, 2020

The People of Israel Need YOUR Help to Fight Corona!

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Shalom mario alberto benedetto,
In the last few days the number of coronavirus deaths in Israel has risen significantly. As of Friday afternoon, 149 Israelis have passed away and nearly 13,000 have tested positive for the virus.
Israel imposed severe lockdown measures over the Passover holiday. The government is now discussing exit strategies which may bring about a slight easing of restrictions next week. A decision is expected Saturday night.
Prime Minister Netanyahu declared that "in the global fight against coronavirus, there is no retreat. If we retreat before the right time, we are likely to pay a very heavy price in human lives. There are outbreak hotspots, which we are giving special treatment."
Israel continues to work on increasing the number of ventilators for seriously ill patients and protective gear for doctors and medics. Thousands of medical workers are still in isolation. Many have contracted the virus.
Israel's health ministry admitted it was forced to cut back the number of tests being performed, due to a shortage of chemicals needed.
Over one million Israelis are now unemployed, over 25% of the entire workforce. Israel's once-thriving economy has been brought to a standstill with the citizens of Israel suffering terribly.
While all Israelis are affected, the poor and elderly, Holocaust survivors, victims of terror and those with serious illnesses face the highest risk.
In certain areas, food and medical supplies are scarce. Health care workers are getting infected. Businesses are shut down. For many families, financial difficulties are insurmountable and people are in a state of panic.
The citizens of Israel need your help right now - more than ever before. Please open your hearts to help the people of Israel.
We have been presented with urgent requests for help. Critical funds are being distributed throughout Israel.
Your donation will go towards:
Food and medicine for the poor, elderly and those in isolation
Protective masks for first-responders, medics and doctors
Financial assistance for families in need, including for Passover food
Clothing and essentials for IDF soldiers grounded on base for extended time
Research to develop treatments and cure
Keeping the public informed around the clock
Critical needs that arise to fight the virus and keep Israelis safe
The time to act is now!
May God reward your kindness and generosity.
With Blessings from Israel,
The United with Israel Family
©2020 Israel Promotions | Bet Shemesh, ISRAEL 99723

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