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Thursday, April 23, 2020

France threatens Israel ties over settlement annexation

Are you more likely to die from coronavirus if you are obese?

Adults with a BMI of 30 to 39.9 are considered obese.

New 90-minute coronavirus test implemented in Tel Aviv hospital

Coronavirus drug to be tested on patients in Israel

Health Minister Litzman considering stepping down

MDA to halt coronavirus testing on May 1, HMOs to take over

A-G give to High Court view on if Bibi can form gov’t despite indictment

High Court keeps door open for tycoons to fund PM legal defense

A-G rips apart coalition deal on keeping Ohana’s state attorney

Attorney-General Avichai Mandelblit's statement was in a letter to Daniel Hershkovitz who had asked his legal view about whether Eldad could remain in office for six months.

France threatens Israel ties over settlement annexation

An Israeli diplomatic source said that more EU member states opposed Borrell’s remark than came out against any previous EU statement on Israel.

UN praises Israel aid to Palestinians as bereaved families demand block

Ex-IDF official: Facing mass Palestinian protest may spread coronavirus

58% of Jewish Israelis believe one must be Jewish to be a ‘real Israeli’

"Pluralism Index 2020" of the Jewish People’s Policy Institute finds that 55% of non-Jewish Israelis believe ‘many’ or a majority of Israelis Jews are political extremists

Coronavirus is the newest obstacle for haredi whistleblowers

"I know for a fact that this shul was ordered to be closed and the main door was locked."

Histadrut head to 'Post': Government doesn't act without feeling pressure

Israel has missed a "lot of economic momentum" during the coronavirus crisis, according to Histadrut labor federation chairman Arnon Bar-David.

Government considering re-opening retail by Friday

Arts community protest uses Tel Aviv light show to call for aid

High Court to state: Give migrants back their deposits

Minister Gamliel unveils exit strategy for Israel’s senior citizens

New Holocaust center shows the time has come to commemorate Babyn Yar

It is perhaps not surprising that a fitting museum has not yet been constructed in Babyn Yar, because the story of Babyn Yar has been somewhat neglected for many years

Israeli scientists study secrets of human brain to bring AI to next level

Researchers at Bar-Ilan University are exploring the bridge between neurosciences and machine learning again.

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