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Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Coronavirus and Yom Hazikaron: The mourning after?

Did Tunisia just become first Arab country
to recognize gay marriage? Read >>

Coronavirus and Remembrance Day: The mourning after?

Only if Israel succeeds in taking the steps necessary to test, isolate and ultimately control the spread of the contagion will families be able to visit their deceased loved ones next Remembrance Day.

Masa's annual Yom Hazikaron ceremony goes online - watch

OneFamily Yom hazikaron 'hug' to families of terror victims - watch now

Haredim light virtual candles for soldiers in 'One People' project - join

Emissary for bereaved families to light Independence Day torch

Despite coronavirus, Israelis barbecuing for Independence Day

"Instead of having customers buying for bigger parties, we have customers buying meat for the barbecues with their immediate family."

Seeing unlikely progress in haredi, Israeli Arab communities

Israel's 72nd year will not be remembered as one of the great cohesion.

Inside the Iranian IRGC’s
secretive drone unit

The head of the Iranian Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps gave a candid and long interview about Iran’s new success with drone technology over the weekend.

America's health system at risk from cyberattack, senators warn

"These hacking attempts pose an alarming risk of disrupting or undermining our public health response at this time of crisis."

7 killed in 2nd alleged Israeli airstrike in Syria in a week (ICYMI)

Bennett's warning was quickly followed by an explosive action - analysis

Will annexation destroy Israeli-Jordanian peace, set kingdom aflame?

Arab foreign ministers to discuss Israeli ‘annexation’ plan

Lapid says ready to vote with Netanyahu to prevent Gantz
becoming PM

'Any time Bibi wants to stop the rotation (in the Prime Minister's Office), all he has to do is come to me and say that he wants to return the laws to how they were before, and I will say yes'

Cynicism conquers all in the Knesset - analysis

Yair Lapid said that he would work with Netanyahu to prevent Gantz from becoming prime minister, the same Lapid who has said for several years that Netanyahu must go.

Why did the High Court do a 180° turn on the Shin Bet in only 10 days?

What on earth changed the High Court justices’ view so radically in less than two weeks?

Rabbis Edelstein and Kanievsky postpone beginning of yeshiva semester

Schools, kindergartens to gradually reopen from Sunday, deaths rise to 203

Diaspora Jews pay $650K for private jets to bury relatives in Israel

Transfer and burial costs have been further affected by hard-hit Jewish communities in Europe and the United States, which has encouraged a rise in prices.

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