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Sunday, April 12, 2020

The coming giant internal Israeli war over a nuclear Iran – A 2010 rematch

Number of intubated coronavirus patients on the decline

While some people have died - 103 at press time - and there are now 11,145 people with the virus, including 183 in serious condition.

Could alternating lockdowns eventually set us free?

"In a perfect world, we could cure the disease in two weeks, but the world is not perfect."

IDF's Shayetet 13 develops solutions to compress oxygen to fight corona

Dermatological symptoms may be the latest new coronavirus symptom

Israeli researchers at Hebrew U develop faster, cheaper COVID-19 test

Israeli anti-terror tech to facially recognize mask-wearing health staff

Heated talk as Education, Finance ministries clash over reopening classes

Before coronavirus, the return to school was scheduled for this Friday, but a full return of students to their classrooms does not appear to be on the horizon.

Zionist youth groups facing financial crisis due to coronavirus pandemic

Ofir Libstein, the Chairman of Habonim Dror Olami, warned that global Zionist movements may not be able to survive the economic impact of the pandemic.

Politicians spar over restricting haredi neighborhoods in Jerusalem

Coronavirus divides Jerusalem

Druze brothers leading IDF battle against coronavirus in Arab sector

There is concern over the rise in the number of infections among Arab Israelis.

The coming giant internal Israeli war over a nuclear Iran – A 2010 rematch

Coronavirus economic impact could block Iran from funding terror – INSS

Will Turkey soon have more coronavirus cases than Iran?

Coronavirus economic impact could block Iran from funding terror – INSS

Liberman hosted son for Passover Seder despite nationwide lockdown

Liberman posted a now-ironic message of hope on Facebook the night of the Seder, saying that "we will soon be able to celebrate again with the extended family and friends. Happy Holidays!"

Likud, Blue and White resume talks with deadline Monday night

High Court rejects petition to disqualify Netanyahu to form government.

Liberal student drops out CUNY Law for antisemitic harassment

Her choice to defend Israel’s right to exist made her the focus of the pro-Palestinian groups

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