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Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Smithsonian researchers discover 6 new types of coronavirus in bats

Israel's coronavirus death toll spikes to 118, no. of infected at 11,868

The increase in deaths comes as the government approves return to strict Passover lockdown measures.

Smithsonian researchers discover 6 new types of coronavirus in bats

"We need to be building the wildlife resources and the capacity to do wildlife testing and wildlife surveillance ahead of the curve."

Berlin confirms to the 'Post' it banned Palestinian terrorist for 4 years

When asked why the ban was restricted to four years Pallgen said that "According to the requirements of German and European law, a ban on entry and residence must be limited in time."

Hamas ready to release information on Israeli prisoners - report

PA: Israel is an agent of coronavirus

Pro-Israel group warns Israel annexation would damage US-Israel alliance

Settlers: Sovereignty on the rocks unless right-wing coalition formed now

Opposition to Palestinian state harms sovereignty, settler leader says

At issue is whether the government that will be formed could support US President Donald Trump’s peace plan, to which Netanyahu has already pledged allegiance.

Netanyahu, Gantz resume talks in effort to finalize deal

Mandate extended until Wednesday at midnight.

Scientists discover 'longest living' creature off Australian coast

While it may resemble a man-made object or proof of alien life, the siphonophore Apolemia is instead the longest living thing on the planet.

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