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Monday, April 13, 2020

Netanyahu, Gantz vow unity government ahead of deadline

Netanyahu invites Gantz for late-night unity government negotiations

Benny Gantz, Benjamin Netanyahu vow unity government ahead of deadline

Sadly, leadership crisis likely to outlive the coronavirus – analysis

Settlers: Sovereignty on the rocks unless right-wing coalition formed now

Netanyahu announces return to strict Passover lockdown measures

Israel's coronavirus death toll spikes to 115, no. of infected at 11,235

Coronavirus: What are the exit strategies Israel is considering?

These are the proposals that might come to the prime minister after Passover.

Mobileye mogul’s model for lifting the coronavirus lockdown

Shelah: Israel should follow Austria and exit this coronavirus crisis

US aid to Israel mostly – but not totally - safe in coronavirus recession

American economic activity has declined in recent weeks at a rate not seen since the Great Depression.

CDC director: US coronavirus crisis could peak this week

The United States, with the world's third-largest population, has recorded more fatalities from COVID-19 than any other country, more than 22,000 as of Monday morning.

South Korea to ship 600,000 coronavirus testing kits to US -source

IFCJ provides Passover meals to families worldwide during coronavirus

PA: Israel is an agent of coronavirus

Israeli defense officials have reportedly sent a warning to the PA to stop the incitement.

Guarding the Israeli border in times of coronavirus

"We will not give Hamas or Palestinian Islamic Jihad an opportunity to carry out attacks"

China censoring research on coronavirus origins - report

Putin: Coronavirus situation in Russia is getting worse

Coronavirus: Which are Israel's best-behaved cities?

Jerusalem - the city with the greatest number of confirmed coronavirus cases - is ranked 58th out of 65 local authorities. Tel Aviv-Jaffa is ranked in 44th place.

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