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Saturday, April 11, 2020

How will the Middle East look the day after coronavirus?

Friday Frontlines & Analyses

The Shkedi Model to build trust

"Shkedi made it clear that it was a win-win," Ravad recalled this week. "He needed talented soldiers, the haredi men needed a livelihood, and he was offering them a profession. Everyone benefited."


It’s a lack self-awareness, stupid!


Coronavirus is the ultra-Orthodoxy's Katrina moment


How will the Middle East look the day after coronavirus?

Regional Affairs: What the global crisis might do is add another layer of difficulty onto a Middle East already swimming in them


'After coronavirus: Iran may provoke more on nuke front' - ex-CIA official

Corona crisis, Israel’s unity government, and Israeli national security

For IDF who are fighting deadly coronavirus: An unforgettable Passover

With soldiers enforcing a shutdown on cities and bare-bones Seders held around the country, Israel adjusts to its first quarantined holiday

How can Israel flatten its unemployment curve?

Employees at dozens of branches of the Israeli Employment Service have churned their way through over 900,000 new applications since the start of March, as the unemployment rate has exceeded 25%

Annexation looking less likely to happen due to coronavirus crisis

The longer annexation is delayed, the closer we get to November, when the US election will take place. Trump could be more hesitant to have a risky move made in his name when he is up for reelection.

Clues to the COVID-19 crisis

Among those in serious condition is a young man in his 20s * Unemployment rate hits 22.15% * 3,637 medical professionals in isolation

Blue and White? It’s black

Over a year ago, hope was born. But now, that hope is fading.


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